Animals that start with A

Albatross, Anaconda, Anteater, Antelope, Alligator, Ape, Armadillo. Introduce toddlers and preschoolers to the magic of the Alphabetimals by exploring animals beginning with the letter A. Click the animal to hear its sound, and it’s name to hear it said out loud.

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Alphabetical list of animals that start with A

A full alphabetical list of popular animals that start with the letter A for toddlers and preschool kids.

  1. Aardvark
  2. Aardwolf
  3. Acorn Weevil
  4. African Wild Dog
  5. Albatross
  6. Alligator
  7. Allosaurus (Extinct)
  8. Alpaca
  9. Anaconda
  10. Anemone
  11. Angelfish
  12. Anglerfish
  13. Ant
  14. Anteater
  15. Antelope
  16. Ape
  17. Aphid
  18. Arctic Fox
  19. Arctic Hare
  20. Armadillo
  21. Axolotl
  22. Aye-Aye

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Frequently asked questions about animals that start with A

What are some animals that start with A?

Some examples include Alligator, Alpaca, Axolotl, African Elephant, and Albatross.

What mammals start with the letter A?

Mammals that start with A include Aardvark, Armadillo, Arctic Fox, Alpaca, Aardwolf, African Wild Dog, Anteater, Aye-aye, Artic Hare, Antelope, and American Black Bear.

What birds start with the letter A?

Birds that start with A include Albatross, American Robin, and Andean Condor.

What reptiles start with A?

Reptiles and amphibians that start with A include Alligator and Anole Lizard.

What amphibians start with A?

An amphibians that starts with A is Axolotl.

What ocean animals start with A?

Ocean animals that start with A include Anglerfish, Angelfish, Anemone, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, and Abalone.

What insects and bugs start with the letter A?

Insects and bugs that start with A include Aphids, Ants, Acorn Weevils, Atlas Moths, and Asian Giant Hornets.

What is the most well-known animal that starts with A?

The Alligator is one of the most recognizable animals that start with A, known for its large teeth and strong bite.

How many animals start with the letter A?

There are many animals that start with A, ranging from land mammals to sea creatures, birds, and insects.

What is the biggest animal that starts with A?

The African Elephant is the largest land animal that starts with A, while the Albatross has one of the largest wingspans of any bird.

What is the smallest animal that starts with A?

The Ant is one of the smallest animals that start with A, with some species measuring less than a millimeter in length. Aphids, another type of insect, are even smaller!

What are some endangered animals that start with A?

Endangered animals that start with A include the Axolotl, Amur Leopard, Arabian Oryx, and Andean Condor.

What domesticated animals start with A?

Domesticated animals that start with A include Alpaca, Arabian Horse, and American Shorthair Cat.

Are there any mythical animals that start with A?

Yes! Mythical animals that start with A include the Amphisbaena (a serpent with a head on each end) and the Alicorn (a winged unicorn).

What predators start with the letter A?

Predators that start with A include the African Lion, Arctic Wolf, Alligator, and Amazonian Giant Centipede.

What herbivores start with A?

Herbivores that start with A include Antelope, Alpaca, and African Elephant.

What nocturnal animals start with A?

Nocturnal animals that start with A include the Aye-Aye, African Bush Baby, and Australian Owlet-Nightjar.

Fun facts about animals that start with the letter A for kids


  • The aardvark is a funny-looking animal with a long snout that it uses to sniff out its favorite food: ants and termites!
  • Aardvarks have big, floppy ears and a long, sticky tongue that they usesto slurp up their tasty treats.


  • The aardwolf is like a cousin to the hyena, but it’s much smaller and way less scary. In fact, it’s kind of cute!
  • Aardwolves eat insects instead of meat and have special teeth that they use to crunch up their favorite snack: termites.

Acorn Weevil

  • The acorn weevil is a tiny insect that loves to snack on acorns.
  • The acorn weevil has a long snout that it uses to drill a hole into the acorn, where it lays its eggs.
  • When the acorn weevil eggs hatch, the baby weevils have a yummy acorn to munch on!

African Wild Dog

  • The African wild dog is a very social animal that lives in packs.
  • African wild dogs have big ears and beautiful spotted fur.
  • African wild dogs are also really good hunters, using their sharp teeth to take down prey much bigger than themselves!


  • The albatross is a bird that loves to fly. In fact, it spends most of its life soaring over the ocean, sometimes going months without touching down on land!
  • Albatross have a huge wingspan that can be over 11 feet long (3 meters)!


  • The alligator is a big reptile that loves to swim in the water.
  • Alligators have strong, powerful tails that they use to propel themselves forward.
  • Watch out for big jaws—alligstors mouthes are filled with sharp teeth that they use to chomp down on thier prey!

Allosaurus (Extinct)

  • The allosaurus was a big, meat-eating dinosaur that lived a long time ago.
  • The allosaurus had sharp, pointy teeth and could run really fast. But don’t worry, it’s extinct now!


  • The alpaca is like a fluffy, friendly sheep. It has soft wool that people use to make warm clothes and blankets.
  • Alpacas make great pets—they’re gentle and like to be around people.


  • The anaconda is a giant snake that lives in the rainforest.
  • Anacondas can grow up to 30 feet (9 meters) long and weigh over 500 pounds (225 kilograms)!
  • Don’t worry, anacondas mostly eat small animals like birds and rodents.


  • The anemone is a beautiful sea creature with long, waving tentacles.
  • Anemones use their tentacles to catch small fish and other creatures to eat.
  • Some clownfish live in anemones. They use the anemone as a safe place to hide from predators!


  • The angelfish is a pretty fish with bright colors and interesting patterns on its scales.
  • Angelfish like to swim in schools and are very peaceful creatures. Just don’t put them in a tank with other fish that might bully them!


  • The anglerfish is a strange-looking fish that lives in the deep, dark ocean.
  • Anglerfish have a long, thin stalk on top of their head with a light at the end that attracts prey. When the prey gets close enough, the anglerfish snaps its sharp jaws shut and eats it up!
  • Some anglerfish also have a special adaptation where the male fish attaches to the female’s body and stays there for its entire life!


  • Ants are tiny insects that live in big groups called colonies.
  • Ants are very organized and work together to build tunnels and find food.
  • Ants have a special communication system where they leave chemical trails to lead other ants to food sources!


  • The anteater is a funny-looking animal with a long snout that it uses to sniff out its favorite food: ants and termites!
  • Anteaters have big, floppy ears and a long, sticky tongue that it uses to slurp up its tasty treats.
  • Did you know that the anteater doesn’t have any teeth?


  • The antelope is a graceful animal that likes to run and jump.
  • Antelopes have long, thin legs that help them move quickly across the savanna.
  • Watch out for antelopes’ pointy horns—they use them to defend themselves from predators!


  • Apes are animals that are very similar to humans.
  • Apes have hands and feet that they can use to grip things, and they’re very intelligent.
  • Some apes, like chimpanzees, can even use tools to solve problems!


  • Aphids are tiny insects that love to suck the juice out of plants.
  • Aphids can be a big problem for farmers and gardeners because they can damage crops.
  • Other insects, like ladybugs, like to eat aphids for dinner!

Arctic Fox

  • The arctic fox is a fluffy animal that lives in very cold places like the Arctic tundra.
  • Artic foxes have white fur that helps them blend in with the snow so they can sneak up and catch small animals to eat.
  • The arctic fox has fur on the bottom of its paws that helps it walk on the ice without slipping.

Arctic Hare

  • The Arctic hare is a cute bunny that lives in very cold places like the Arctic tundra.
  • Artic hares have thick fur that helps keep them warm, and they’re very good at running and jumping to avoid predators.
  • Arctic hares fur changes color depending on the season.


  • The armadillo is a funny-looking animal with a hard shell on its back.
  • Armadillos use their sharp claws to dig burrows in the ground where they can hide from predators.
  • Some armadillos can roll up into a ball when they feel threatened.


  • The axolotl is a cute little salamander that lives in the water.
  • Axolotls have big, round eyes and can regenerate their limbs if they lose them!
  • Sometimes axolotls are called the “walking fish” because they have tiny legs that they use to walk along the bottom of the water.


  • The aye-aye is a strange-looking lemur that lives in Madagascar.
  • Aye-ayes have big ears and long, skinny fingers that they use to tap on trees and find insects to eat.
  • Some people even believe that the aye-aye is a bad omen!

Wow, there are some really cool animals that start with the letter A! Each one has something special that makes them different and interesting. Which one do you like the most?

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