Animals that start with E

Eagle, Elephant, Elk, Emu. Toddlers and preschoolers can’t get enough of these silly animals beginning with the letter E. Click the animal to hear its sound, and it’s name to hear it said out loud.

Cartoon Eagle |


Cartoon Elk |


Cartoon Emu |


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Alphabetical list of animals that start with E

A full alphabetical list of popular animals that start with the letter E for toddlers and preschool kids.

  1. Eagle
  2. Earwig
  3. Echidna
  4. Eel
  5. Egret
  6. Eider
  7. Eland
  8. Electric Eel
  9. Elephant
  10. Elephant Seal
  11. Elephant Shrew
  12. Elk
  13. Emperor penguin
  14. Emu
  15. Eurasian Red Squirrel

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Uppercase E

Lowercase e

Letter E animals video

Cartoon boy watching TV - Alphabetimals

Frequently asked questions about animals that start with E

What are some animals that start with E?

Some examples include Elephant, Eagle, Electric Eel, Emperor Penguin, and Echidna.

What mammals start with the letter E?

Mammals that start with E include the Eland, Eurasian Lynx, Ethiopian Wolf, Elk, and Elephant.

What birds start with the letter E?

Birds that start with E include the Emu, Eagle, Egret, Eastern Bluebird, Egyptian Vulture, and Emperor Penguin.

What reptiles start with E?

Reptiles and amphibians that start with E include the Eastern Coral Snake, European Pond Turtle, and Ethiopian Mountain Adder.

What amphibians start with E?

Some amphibians that start with the letter E are the Eastern Dwarf Treefrog, European Tree Frog, and the Emperor Newt.

What ocean animals start with E?

Ocean animals that start with E include the Electric Eel, Eagle Ray, and Emperor Angelfish.

What insects and bugs start with the letter E?

Insects and bugs that start with E include the Earwig, Emerald Cockroach Wasp, and Eyed Click Beetle.

What are some endangered animals that start with E?

Endangered animals that start with E include the Ethiopian Wolf, European Mink, Eelgrass Limpet, and Española Giant Tortoise.

What domesticated animals start with E?

Domesticated animals that start with E include the English Bulldog, Egyptian Mau Cat, and Estrela Mountain Dog.

Are there any mythical animals that start with E?

Yes! Mythical animals that start with E include the Enfield (a creature with the body of a fox and wings of an eagle) and the Erymanthian Boar from Greek mythology.

What is the most well-known animal that starts with E?

The Elephant is one of the most recognizable animals that start with E, known for its intelligence and large tusks.

How many animals start with the letter E?

There are dozens of animals that start with E, including mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and sea creatures.

What is the biggest animal that starts with E?

The African and Asian Elephants are the largest land animals that start with E, while the Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin species.

What is the smallest animal that starts with E?

The Etruscan Shrew is one of the smallest mammals that start with E, weighing less than a penny. Insects like the Earwig are even smaller.

What predators start with the letter E?

Predators that start with E include Eagles Elephant Seals, Emperor Penguins, Electric Eel, and Ethiopian Wolf.

What herbivores start with E?

Herbivores that start with E include the Elk, Elephant, and European Hare.

What nocturnal animals start with E?

Nocturnal animals that start with E include the Egyptian Fruit Bat, Eurasian Lynx, and Eyed Click Beetle.

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