Animals that start with I

Ibis, Iguana, Impala, Inchworm. Learning the ABC’s is a snap by exploring these alphabet animals that start with the letter I. Click the animal to hear its sound, and it’s name to hear it said out loud.

Cartoon Ibis |


Cartoon Impala |


Cartoon Inchworm |


Cartoon boy reading a book - Alphabetimals

Alphabetical list of animals that start with I

A full alphabetical list of popular animal names that begin with the letter I for toddlers and preschool kids.

  1. Ibex
  2. Ibis
  3. Ichthyosaurus (Extinct)
  4. Iguana
  5. Iguanodon (Extinct)
  6. Impala
  7. Inchworm
  8. Indian Elephant
  9. Indri
  10. Isopod

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Uppercase I

Lowercase i

Letter I animals video

Cartoon boy watching TV - Alphabetimals

Frequently asked questions about animals that start with I

What are some animals that start with I?

Some examples include Iguana, Ibis, Ibex, Impala, Indian Cobra, Indian Star Tortoise, Indian Peafowl, Iberian Lynx, and Indian Elephant.

What mammals start with the letter I?

Mammals that start with I include the Ibex, Impala, Indri (large lemurs), Indian Elephant, Indian Wolf, Indian Pangolin, and Iberian Lynx.

What birds start with the letter I?

Birds that start with I include the Indian Peafowl, Imperial Woodpecker, and Ibis (such as the Scarlet Ibis and Glossy Ibis).

What reptiles start with I?

Reptiles that start with I include the Iguana, Indian Cobra, Indian Star Tortoise, and Italian Wall Lizard.

What amphibians start with I?

Amphibians that start with I include the Indian Bullfrog, Iberian Ribbed Newt, and Italian Cave Salamander.

What ocean animals start with I?

Ocean animals that start with I include the Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin, Indian Threadfish, and Indo-Pacific Sailfish.

What insects and bugs start with the letter I?

Insects and bugs that start with I include the Indian Moon Moth, Italian Cricket, and Ivory Marked Beetle.

What are some endangered animals that start with I?

Endangered animals that start with I include the Indri, Iberian Lynx, Indian Vulture, Indochinese Tiger, and Indian Gharial.

What domesticated animals start with I?

Domesticated animals that start with I include the Indian Runner Duck and Indian Pariah Dog.

Are there any mythical animals that start with I?

Yes! A mythical animal that starts with I is the Ichthyocentaur, a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. A mermaid?

What is the most well-known animal that starts with I?

The Iguana is one of the most famous animals that start with I, recognized for its large reptile size and spikey backs.

How many animals start with the letter I?

Despite there not being so many well known animals that start with I, there are still many mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and sea creatures that do.

What is the biggest animal that starts with I?

The Indian Elephant is the largest land animal that starts with I.

What is the smallest animal that starts with I?

The Ivory Marked Beetle is one of the smallest insects that start with I, while the Indian Pygmy Dormouse is one of the smallest mammals.

What predators start with the letter I?

Predators that start with I include the Indian Wolf, Indian Cobra, and Indochinese Tiger.

What herbivores start with I?

Herbivores that start with I include the Indian Elephant, Indian Star Tortoise, and Indian Gaur (a type of wild cattle).

What nocturnal animals start with I?

Nocturnal animals that start with I include the Indian Pangolin, Indian Wolf, and Indian Flying Fox.

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