Animal Phonics Alphabet for Kids

Join us on a journey of discovery as we introduce your child to the wonderful world of reading and writing. Our unique approach combines the magic of cute animal characters with the power of phonics, making learning fun and engaging for children aged 3 to 6. Let your little ones meet our delightful Alphabetimals and embark on a memorable educational experience that will help them master the building blocks of language. Get ready to unleash the joy of phonics with Alphabetimals – where learning meets cuteness!

The word phonics written in lowercase Alphabetimals characters

What are phonics?

Phonics is like a secret code that helps us read and understand words. It’s a special way to learn the sounds that different letters or groups of letters make.

Imagine you have a magic book that tells you the sounds of all the letters. When we learn phonics, we unlock this magical book and learn how to use it.

Let’s take an example. Think of the letter “a.” When we say “a,” it makes the sound like “aaaah.” Now, think of the letter “b.” When we say “b,” it makes the sound like “buh.”

Now, if we put these two sounds together, “a” and “b,” we get “ab.” And that’s how we can read and say words like “ab,” “cab,” or “crab.”

Phonics helps us learn all these magical sounds and how they come together to make words. It’s like learning the secret code of reading. So, when you learn phonics, you become a master decoder, and you can read and understand all sorts of words. Isn’t that exciting?

Albert holding a sign with short vowels a, e, i ,o, u

Short vowels

Short vowels are the sounds that we make when we say the letters a, e, i, o, and u. They are called “short” because they are quick and not stretched out like some other sounds. Learn short vowels sounds with the help of our cute cartoon animals that start with short vowels sounds!

Long vowels

Long vowels are special sounds that we make when saying certain letters in words. When we say a long vowel, we stretch out the sound and hold it a little longer than usual. It’s like giving the sound extra time to shine! Explore long vowels sounds with the help of our cute cartoon animals that contain long vowels sounds.

Albert holding a sign with long vowels a, e, i ,o, u and y
Albert holding a sign with consonants b, c, d, f, g, and h


When we say words, we use our mouths, lips, and tongues to make different sounds. Consonants are the sounds we make by closing or partially closing our mouths. Consonants help us form words and talk to each other. Learn about consonants with the help of our delightful cartoon animals that start with consonants.


Digraphs are special pairs of letters that work together to make a unique sound. They are like letter best friends! Instead of just one letter making a sound, digraphs have two letters that join forces to create a special sound. Learn about digraphs with the help of our cute cartoon animals that contain digraphs.

Albert holding a sign with phonics digraphs ch, ng, sh, and th

All animals A-Z

Animal phonics alphabet

Animals that start with common phonics digraphs

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